速報APP / 美食佳飲 / Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant

Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant





版本需求:Android 4.4 以上版本




Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant(圖1)-速報App

Catch Food is a sister concern of Catch Bangladesh with an aim of providing all kinds of information to the food enthusiastic person.

Our goal is to enlist all the restaurants of Bangladesh with all kinds of information which include but not limited to :

1. Address.

Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant(圖2)-速報App

2. Food menu.

3. Gallery containing all kinds of food and interior pictures.

4. Contact information.

Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant(圖3)-速報App

5. Basic information such as closing and opening hours, availability of home delivery and description about the restaurants.

6. Booking facility through website or by directly calling the restaurant.

7. Exact location of the restaurant along with Google map direction facility.

Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant(圖4)-速報App

8. Additional facilities such as parking zone, couple zone, Wi-Fi, smoking zone etc.

Apart from all this information our users can enjoy.

1. Daily offers post.

Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant(圖5)-速報App

2. Monthly offers.

3. Can give review and write blogs.

4. Different recipes of tasty and trendy foods

Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant(圖6)-速報App

5. Health tips and list of nutritious value of different foods.

Our website and app both are user friendly and secured. We have also area based, price based and Food preference based search options. All the information in this website are directly collected from the restaurant authority or through their official Facebook page or website and it is updated everyday so there's no chance of an error.

Our website is 100% trustworthy as we do not allow any kind of paid reviews or fake information. Along with all the facilities we also have :

Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant(圖7)-速報App

1. Discount on different restaurants for our app users.

2. Free treat and offers for the app users.

3. Notifications for latest offers and new restaurants.

Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant(圖8)-速報App

This website and app is also helpful for the restaurants owners as they can reach more people at the least amount of time. A personal I'd is provided to the owners so that they can update their information if needed and it also gives a platform for both the restaurants owners and customers to share their views and opinions which in return will help them to provide better services.

So what are you waiting for? Download the best food app.

This app is under DEVELOPMENT! You may experience some BUGS and LATENCY issue! These will be identified and fixed on the next updates!

Catch Food - Your Virtual Food Assistant(圖9)-速報App